Tuesday, September 10, 2013

-Backpacking in Los Padres-

Days 15 through 17- Los Padres, CA

Went backpacking this weekend with Hans, Bridget, and Asher. Made the drive down the 101, and back into Los Padres NF (this time, on the eastern side). Destination was the Los Padres dam, and the Carmel River. Backpacked our gear in ~ 4 miles, until we reached the Bluff campground. Swimming hole was nice after a pretty hot and up-and-down hike.

Everybody in the car, ready to leave.

Navigating at the trail head.
Los Padres reservoir. 

Pack and dog. I forgot her backpack, but next time Sadie will carry her own food and water.

Very happy baby.

Very happy dog.

 Tent camping is a nice change of pace from truck camping. Again, more head room.

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