Monday, September 9, 2013

-Yosemite and the Merced River-

Day 7- Yosemite, CA

Today we drove through Yosemite, which was beautiful. It was, however, very smokey. The Rim fire caused the closure of the 120, so we back-tracked a bit and headed back into Sierra NF after taking the scenic loop through the park.

After leaving Yosemite, we drove west and into Sierra NF. Leaving the Sierra, we ran into the Merced River. At this point, it was very hot, and very smokey. Decided camping along the river sounded a lot better than heading back into the forest. We found a nice campsite with a beach adjacent to the water, which was excellent. Had a fun time chatting with a German family on vacation in their rented RV.
Sadie, after a quick swim in the river. Lots of dogs here to run around with.

Ash from the fire. 

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